New class registration open—Nature Journaling Feb. 21-23, 2020


If you train your mind to see deeply and with intentional curiosity . . . the world will open before you.” — John Muir Laws 

Keeping a nature journal can deepen your connections to the natural world and help you learn more about it. And the great thing is that neither science education nor art training is needed — you will develop the skills of a naturalist and a field sketch-artist along the way. 

In this class February 21–23, 2020, at Tohono Chul Park in northwest Tucson, students will learn to practice “intentional curiosity” as the core of nature journaling: to ask questions, to dig deeper, to focus our minds both intently and intentionally. Hanson will cover the nuts-and-bolts of journal-keeping from paper and ink types and laying out pages to prompts to jump-start observations and advice on researching science questions.

There will be easy tips to enable anyone to get started sketching and painting as you are freed from your inner critic. On one of the days I will be joined by a guest artist who will lead a 2-hour sketching-skills session.

By the end of the weekend you will leave with a new way of seeing the natural world, armed with new skills for recording all that you will experience. Simple supply list will be provided, but all you really need is a notebook, pen and your curiosity! Please bring a brown bag lunch Saturday and Sunday. The workshop meets from 5-7pm on Friday, February 21 and then from 9am-3pm on both Saturday and Sunday, February 22 and 23.

Price is $135 for Tohono Chul members or $150 for the general public and include paints and brushes to borrow. Hope to see you there!