Skyscapitos Appreciation Society – First online meetup!


Inspired by and in collaboration with Journaling with Nature’s Bethan Burton, we’re launching our own informal “Skyscapito Appreciation Society!” A “skyscapito” is a small skyscape we create in our nature journals, similar to the “little landscapes” (landscapitos) John Muir Laws loves to create.

Join me (Roseann Hanson, of the Field Arts Institute), Bethan, and Deborah Conn as we host an hour (or a little more, if needed) of sharing our skyscapitos and our favorite colors for sky-making.

We will be doing this semi-regularly so we can all get better at this difficult subject!

This will be interactive, not a lecture: we will each bring one or two skyscapitos from our journals and share with you what paints we used, and how we went about the process.

We would like you to do the same — you don’t HAVE to but we would greatly encourage you to!

FREE but registration is required, for security reasons.

WHEN: Friday, July 16 at 4 pm Pacific (which is 9 am on the July 17th on Australia’s east coast, where Bethan is located!)

WHERE: Zoom (we will record the session and share later if you miss it; register for notifications)

LENGTH: About an hour

TO PREPARE: Bring a skyscapito or questions about challenges you have!