Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide, edition 4.1a

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I’m happy to announce that we just received a shipment of the Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide, edition 4.1a. As you might surmise from that “4.1a,” this is a tweak of edition 4.1 rather than an entire re-write as that one was. Notable updates can be found in the electronics and navigations sections as well as scattered here and there. Most obvious is a drive and critique of the new Defender.

I’ve been asked by owners of previous VDEG edition if this one is worth upgrading to. If you own any edition prior to 4.1, I’d say absolutely (also if you’re one of several people I know who have diligently collected every edition). Tom and I drastically updated 4.1 and added almost 100 pages, with much more information of value to North American readers. If you have a copy of 4.1 and are not considering a new Defender, or a long-range trip dependent on GPS navigation, you’re probably fine. Fair enough?

The three-and-a-quarter pound, 600-plus page VDEG remains, quite simply, the bible for anyone contemplating overland travel, from three-day jaunts into nearby national forests, to multi-month transcontinental research expeditions. Along with Four-by-four Driving, it is used as a reference by Special Forces units in two countries.

Available here.