Exploring Overland

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Perfect match: KERR recovery rope and Step22 Tamarin Trunk

One of my main recovery tools is a one-inch by 30-foot KERR (Kinetic Energy Recovery rope) from C4RS (just say C-fours). It's a beautiful U.S.-made product, properly labeled with its working load limit and average breaking strength. In general I prefer KERRs to snatch straps due to their better stretch, which is gentler on both the recovery vehicle and the bogged truck.

However, a KERR is also bulkier and limper and fairly weighty; dealing with one when storing is like wrestling a 30-foot-long, one-inch-thick length of overcooked spaghetti.

Recently Step22 sent me one of their Tamarin Trunks, a sturdy 8 x 8 x 24-inch zippered storage bag with a reinforced bottom. It seemed to be made for the KERR, and indeed the rope fit perfectly, with room for a pair of hard shackles as well as a couple of soft shackles. now I have everything I need for a snatch recovery in one bag. A true professional approach.

Sadly, the owner of C4RS, Steve Springs, has moved on to other endeavors, but high-quality KERRs are available from other sources such as Factor 55 (here). Step22 is here.